Arbonne 30 Love
I’m so proud of myself!!! Pics were taken March 2nd and April 2nd!! I feel so strong, happy, healthy, refreshed, and energetic now!! I didn’t know how much I needed this cleanse before, but now I’m going for 60 days because I feel so good!!!
Starting weight 140
Ending weight 131.4
2 inches lost on my waist!
I also workout 1-2 hours a day, cardio and lifting weights, 6 days a week.
Before, I was painfully bloated every day and had acne I hid, was tired a lot, my nails were weaker, my hair was dryer.. Now everything is different! I feel so good!!! No more tummy pains! If you’re looking for a sign to do this 30 day cleanse to get healthy and find your energy again... THIS IS IT!!
Before Arbonne, I was a total hot mess with hormonal/stress issues. I’m still a hot mess, just a healthier one now. Twenty years in medicine taught me nothing about nourishing my body. I struggled with weight gain from early onset menopause & chronic nerve damage from an old injury. I struggled with bad eating habits for years & tried EVERY fad diet under the sun. I would lose weight & gain it back +more and then have to start all over just to repeat the yoyo-I felt like I was walking UP on a DOWN escalator! I started using RE9 Skincare 14 years ago and decided this past December to try the 30 day program. I was blown away with the ingredient policy, & even more so that the products tasted good!! I’ve always known that our ingredients are the gold standard, but I love that this program uses pharmaceutical grade botanical ingredients - so NO man made toxic chemicals or formulations. Just plants. The thing that really sold me was 1) I didn’t have to count calories or points, & 2) I didn’t have to purchase any of the sodium filled over processed pre-made meals!! So, I went for it and ONE week in I had already lost 7 pounds-something I hadn’t been able to do for almost 6 years!!! At 53 my skin is even more amazing, my sugar cravings are GONE & my digestive system is working perfectly for the first time in DECADES!! I’ve lost 22 pounds since December so I know it works!!
If there are any pregnant Mommas concerned about using the nutrition line during their pregnancy I want to reassure you guys it’s safe! All nutrition products were cleared by my OB EXCEPT the 7 day body cleanse. I mix the PhytoSport Prepare and Endure with my fizz before and during workouts and I use the protein + fiber + Digestion Plus and 26 weeks & 2 days, I’m weighing in at 128lbs. Mind you my first pregnancy my start weight was 130lb. Arbonne has been a game changer for this pregnancy for sure .
Here's my life-changing testimony that has me continuing to use the Arbonne Nutrition Products everyday. When I started doing Arbonne, I weighed over 340 pounds and my sugar from diabetes was in the low to mid 400's. I was at the point to where I couldn't feel my feet because they were always numb with major pain from neuropathy. I couldn't see, I couldn't sleep and was losing energy even as a teacher. My Dr. didn't even clear my first physical because my A1-C was at a toxic level of 14+ which was a threat to lose my job as a Kindergarten Teacher. I've lost many friends and family members to diabetes, some even younger than me. When my doctor told me my kidneys were damaged, and this is not something to test out on my own, that was it. I knew it and I also knew that I was just not healthy and not in the right shoes to help raise and enjoy my new born grandson Baby Gio. I finally did it and after all these years of seeing success stories from Arbonne, I finally took the trust in the process and talked to my cousin's Jennie and Lisa, I love my girls and have always trusted them, I just loved to eat crappy and I was dieing inside. I have a whole new outlook on life. It's literally crazy. I've tried everything just like you all. I mean I've tried everything and spent thousands on supplements that didn't do anything but cause me health issues. I'm now on my 6th month, but I've only done 2, 30-day programs and I feel like I'm 24 years old again!!!
That all being said:
~I've lost over 60 pounds!
~My A1C is at a pre-diabetic level of 5.9!
~My sugar meter reading is averaging 87!
~My High Blood Pressure is gone!
~My Acid Reflux is gone!
~I'm sleeping through the night!
~I have a ton of energy!
~My doctor cleared my physical!
~My neuropathy is gone!
~I know how to eat healthy!
~I don't need to wear my glasses all day!
~I'm not taking up to 16 pills a day!
And so much more!!
June 2018 to January 2019
Currently 155 pounds!
I really was not ready to start any new “diet”. I also had many limiting beliefs and money paradigms that held me back in keeping my weight off. My sponsor noticed I was not ready by the way I spoke about my health but told me when I was ready she would help me. She sold me enough product to get me through the first month of the 30 Day Challenge as I still had strong money limiting beliefs. During that time I hired a life coach of my own when I began my health journey once again! This has been a life long journey starting my first diet at 13, being bullied for my weight by even people who “loved” me.
I quickly realized though that the weight needed to come off because I was doing daily pain management and my quality of life was slipping away. I could not walk one block, sit on the floor, get off the couch by myself, and I felt like I walked around in a fog all day long. After my first 30 days I felt great, like an awakening was happening and my limiting beliefs were being changed to believing in myself and all I was capable of due to life coaching! As a result I continued the the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living doing the 80/20 for the next 6 months and decided to go to school to become a life coach! The 8th month of my journey (January 2019) I began the 30 Days again at 100% breaking a barrier I came up against...weighing 165 pounds seemed to alway be my stopping point BUT NOT THIS TIME! After January I went down to 159 pounds and now I am 155 pounds currently! Loving my life free of pain by 90% and I am serving many others with life coaching on their own life’s journey believing in them when they can’t seem to believe in themselves. What a journey! I am grateful for every moment!
“My husband, Dan, and I are both 70 yrs old and have more energy and feel better than we have in years!!
We accepted the 30 Day Challenge 2 yrs ago when we were both 25-30 lbs overweight, feeling sluggish/fatigued, having too much indigestion, body aches/pains...I was having headaches everyday, not sleeping well, our cholesterol, blood pressure #’s were rising. Dan was diagnosed with cervical dystonia and anticipating rotator cuff surgery. He puts on numerous seminars and speeches with his work and was thinking of quitting because of lack of clarity and the head shaking(cervical dystonia).....We both assumed all of our problems were just age related ...WOW! We were so wrong....just a couple of weeks into the 30 Day we were both feeling better, more energetic and sleeping better. My headaches were gone, we both quit taking Advil & Zantac everyday...Dan said he felt more clarity! After a few months of continuing clean eating and avoiding sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, wheat, processed foods ....Dan’s head shaking had almost disappeared and his shoulder pain gone! We each lost 25-30 lbs and feel absolutely great everyday!! We leave this weekend for 3 weeks on the road with him putting on 5 all day seminars!! We’ve maintained our weight by following the clean eating/healthy Lifestyle 80-90% of the time!! I’m so thankful for the support we got and the education in Nutrition!! Although we are both college graduates....we had no idea how uneducated we were about healthy eating!!"
As I aged, I just thought I was supposed to start feeling bad. You always hear how aging sucks. Little did I know. In July 2017 I decided to try a 30 Day Healthy Living Challenge. I had joint pain, horrible arthritis flare-ups, restless leg, bloating, big brown spots on my forehead and more. Wow, how 30 days changed my life. I was always fit (100's on PT tests, Air Force Marathon teams, lifting competitions, etc) but, ..... now I'm healthy (and still fit). No more anti-inflammatory meds, better blood pressure, and more. My husband and I just had a physical for a life insurance policy. Looking at our numbers we look like we're in our 20's. This is a huge victory for the hubby. He was on blood pressure meds for almost 10 years....NOT ANYMORE. Not bad for 48 years young. Thank You Arbonne. Bonus Arbonne also allows me to Own my own business, help others and keeps me from the 9-5 grind. I'm truly enjoying my retirement in many ways.